This is used for advanced user, who wants to control gerrit with ssh command.

On client, after adding ssh public key into gerrit, you can use ssh to run gerrit command.

$ ssh -p 29418 gerrit

fatal: Available commands of gerrit are:

apropos Search in Gerrit documentation

ban-commit Ban a commit from a project's repository

close-connection Close the specified SSH connection

create-account Create a new batch/role account

create-branch Create a new branch

create-group Create a new account group

create-project Create a new project and associated Git repository

flush-caches Flush some/all server caches from memory

gc Run Git garbage collection

gsql Administrative interface to active database



ls-groups List groups visible to the caller

ls-members List the members of a given group

ls-projects List projects visible to the caller

ls-user-refs List refs visible to a specific user


query Query the change database

receive-pack Standard Git server side command for client side git push

rename-group Rename an account group

review Apply reviews to one or more patch sets

set-account Change an account's settings

set-head Change HEAD reference for a project

set-members Modify members of specific group or number of groups

set-project Change a project's settings

set-project-parent Change the project permissions are inherited from

set-reviewers Add or remove reviewers on a change

show-caches Display current cache statistics

show-connections Display active client SSH connections

show-queue Display the background work queues

stream-events Monitor events occurring in real time


version Display gerrit version

See 'gerrit COMMAND --help' for more information.

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